Our Services Strategic Asset Management

Innovative strategies and services for affordable housing providers that optimise portfolios and meet strategic challenges.

An effective and forward-looking asset management strategy is vitally important for all affordable housing providers.

The sector is facing several significant challenges over the years and decades ahead which traditional asset management methods are unlikely to solve.

Whether you need a new asset management strategy designing and delivering from scratch or need advice on a specific aspect of an existing strategy, our team can help.

No matter what your situation, our unique approach is designed to help you optimise your portfolio, meet your strategic objectives and address priorities such as energy efficiency and decent homes standards.

Introducing Atlas

Atlas is an advanced and efficient tool which aids strategic asset management and decision-making for property portfolios.

Developed by RESAM, this unique tool makes use of financial and extensive non-financial metrics to score each individual property against a set of criteria.

It provides financial NPV and long-term cashflow insights for both individual property assets and the whole portfolio.  It allows the effect certain decisions may have on the social metric of your housing association to be measured accurately and easily.

When coupled with the expertise offered by RESAM’s team, the insights Atlas offers will allow you to confidently plot the best route to a better homes portfolio.

A tailored, effective and flexible process

The needs of each affordable housing provider are different. 

To ensure we can cater for your specific situation, we employ a proven process with built-in flexibility – allowing you to engage us to help with any aspect of the design or delivery of your asset management strategy.

As well as providing a holistic end-to-end service, we can also help you grade your portfolio, devise and deliver a decarbonisation strategy or assist with specific asset management issues.

At all times, our expert team will work transparently, collaboratively and provide expertise and advice that will help your organisation make confident decisions to address key priorities such as additionality, Net Zero obligations and improving the general standard of homes in your portfolio.

Case Study

Carried out a holistic review of a G15 housing association’s portfolio, setting their strategic asset management policies and enabling them to maximise value across their portfolio


Clarify the link between the corporate strategy and how those objectives shape the strategic asset management requirements.

Understand the key indicators of property performance and how best to measure these.

Identify implementable strategies to achieve the optimum portfolio.


Full review of corporate strategy documents, identified key targets and objectives for the business.

Identified where each target and objective will manifest themselves in property performance, both financially and socially.

Benchmarked performance across key indicators.



  • Provided several scenarios outlining initial opportunities for key strategic asset management initiatives, summarising organisational benefits
  • Delivered framework and methodology to enable further evaluation of the portfolio
  • Listed key recommendations for further analysis and implementable workstreams, enabling strategies to be deployed immediately
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RESAM is the trusted advisor to affordable housing providers offering strategic portfolio solutions and data insights to enable the delivery of better homes.

Housing Sector Survey 2023

Download and read the full Housing Sector Survey 2023, produced in partnership with Social Housing magazine

Read the survey
survey illustration